

Ancient carrot
Posted on 17. October 2022

GourmetHealth and well-being

 from Michaela Eder & Theresa Maier

Recipe: ancient carrot

Carrot - probably one of the most popular vegetables ever. But what you can get out of this simple and well-known root, this wonderful recipe from Andreas Herbst will show you.

Ancient carrot
(Purple Haze carrot from
Schattbachbauer) cream, Vadouvan (spice mixture with 16 different spices**), universal base (sesame, hemp, poppy & braised onion), raw marinated carrot, smoked beef heart (Badmeisterbauer), topinambur raw marinated & cream with cashew nut, fermented mushroom sauce with dark soy sauce (Luvi fermente)

** Cumin, coriander, turmeric, minnow clover, cardamom, mustard, fennel, nutmeg, chilli, 3 different peppers, clove, ginger, lime, garlic

Universal base



  • 50 g fine crystalline sugar
  • 150 butter
  • 250 g Panko breadcrumbs
  • 80 g Leoganger wholemeal rye flour
  • 50 g sesame
  • 50 g poppy
  • 30 g salt finely iodised



Mix butter and sugar well in a mixing bowl with a blender with a mixer attachment. Add flour, sesame, chia seeds, poppy and salt and gently fold in. Spread the mass evenly over a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake until golden brown for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool. Crush the baked mixture in a food processor. While the food processor continues to run, slowly add the brown butter. Roll out the dough between 2 baking papers and cut out. Freeze the bottom for 40 minutes

Fermented mushroom sauce



  • 10 g mushrooms, raw (cut the mushrooms and oxidise under a heat lamp - min. 10 h)
  • 50 g chicken stock
  • 30 g tomato water
  • 3 g dark soy sauce

Cream for tart



  • 180 g purple carrot, washed (Stechaubauer Biohof)
  • 1 g natural salt
  • 40 g brown butter
  • 20 ml blackcurrant
  • 4 g white leaf gelatine
  • 2 g Vadouvan spice paste



Put all ingredients together in a vacuum bag, cook until soft, mix and place on the rolled-out universal base. Chill, serve.

Smoked tongue and heart



  • 200 g Leoganger veal tongue
  • 20 g sea salt
  • 1 pinch of Sel Rose
  • 230 ml drinking water



Boil the water with the salt until no more crystals have formed, then cool. Pickle the tongue in it for about 12 hours. Then wash and cook in a vacuum bag at 66 °C for 25 hours of sous vide. Then peel the tongue while it is warm and smoke at 30 °C with apple wood overnight.

Onion marinade for tongue



  • 35 g shallots
  • 10 ml hay oil
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 100 ml cider vinegar
  • 250 ml beef broth



Finely cut the shallotsbrunoise and fry in hay oil until they are soft and light yellow. Then deglaze with the apple cider vinegar and boil completely until the vinegar has evaporated. Pour in the soup and simmer down again until the desired taste is achieved.




  • 85 g cashew kernels
  • 220 g Topinambur
  • 35 ml almond drink unsweetened, Alpro
  • 4 g salt
  • 14 g crème fraîche



Roast the nuts at 10 °C for 10 minutes and then vacuum them with the remaining ingredients. 
Cook at 95 °C for 2 hours and mix.

We wish you great success, a lot of fun while cooking and of course a good appetite

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