Wine cellar & bar
Cosiness meets sophisticated choices
Wir beziehen unsere Bio-Eier von unserem langjährigen treuen Partner Rupert Zehentner. Er betreibt einen Bauernhof („Schrederbauer“) im benachbarten Saalfelden. Im Schnitt werden 8.000 Eier pro Monat am Frühstücksbuffet sowie in der Küche benötigt. Nach einer bestimmten Legezeit werden Legehühner im Normalfall an die Lebensmittelindustrie zur Verarbeitung weitergegeben. Wir in der Riederalm gehen in dieser Hinsicht nachhaltige Wege, denn wir erstellen gemeinsam mit dem Mikrobiologen Christian Weij ein Garum aus den Suppenhühnern.
Our Riederalm Chicken Garum is a great natural substitute for the often used soup powder.
Why is it gluten-free despite barley?
After slaughtering, the whole chicken (with giblets) is roasted in the oven. In the meantime, a koji is made from the barley grains using Aspergillus sojae (mould) and mixed with Leogang spring water and natural salt. This mixture is then fermented in a special vat for approx. 8 months at approx. 30 degrees. After the fermentation process, the garum is filtered and bottled. The special fermentation process means that Hendl Garum is gluten-free.
A koji refers to various moulds of the genus Aspergillus sp. that are traditionally used in East Asian cuisine to ferment food. In Japanese, kōji describes both the Aspergillus starter culture and mixtures of Aspergillus with wheat.
We use it to refine our Tigre de Leche dressing with celery stalks from the Stechaubauer (see recipe below). We also marinate the venison chicken leg and use it to refine sauces. The chicken garum also adds a special flavour to dishes such as Stechaubauer ratatouille, chanterelle goulash, chicken soup, bouillon potatoes and our Alpine ramen soup.
Recipes to cook at home
33 g celery juice (Stechaubauer)
33 g green pepper juice (Stechaubauer)
10 g lime juice
3 g Sriracha sauce Riederalm (fermented chillies from Stechaubauer)
20 g chicken garum
15 g garlic puree
3 g Riederalm herb salt
26 g egg yolk from Schrederbauer
100 g Riederalm ginger oil
120 g sunflower oil
Separately juice the celery stalks with the green parts and the green pepper. Then mix with the lime juice and stir in the Sriracha, garum, garlic puree and salt. Then whisk together with the two oils to make a dressing.
The finished garum was sent to the Hygienicum Graz and analysed. You can find the analysis here.
Cosiness meets sophisticated choices
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