Summer holidays for families
Family holiday in Leogang in the region of Salzburg
At the family hotel Leogang, even small guests have a very big stay! Because children are welcomed guests. We want young holidaymakers to feel particularly comfortable during their family holiday in Leogang and to experience exciting holidays together with their parents.
In the family hotel Riederalm
Here in the Riederalm there is still real family vacation - together with the whole family, which often is in short supply in everyday life. All year round, there is plenty to experience, discover, enjoy - simply together time! We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Family holiday in Leogang in the region of Salzburg
Bike highlights for the youngest
Directly by the piste in the Skicircus
Variety and fun with the Pinzgau Wasserfestspiele
Fun & action for the little ones on family holidays
The Riederalm - your children's hotel in the region of Salzburg
The Riederalm is definitely not a boring place at the Good Life Resort - there is plenty of entertainment for children of all ages:
Our Riederalm gourmet board 'enjoyment at the highest level' leaves nothing to be desired. No matter whether you are young or old - we pay attention to the highest quality!
Host Andreas Herbst, father of three children, knows best that parents place great importance on the right diet. In the Riederalm, your family hotel in the region of Salzburg, all our guests, and especially the little ones, are spoiled with excellent, high-quality dishes. The freshly prepared children's menus, which change daily, delight both parents and children.
The whole family should feel really comfortable during your active holiday with children in the region of Salzburg, at the Good Life Resort Riederalm. Family shared experiences in the Leogang mountain world create lasting memories, and the children can have a lot of fun. Whether spring, summer or autumn, there is plenty to discover and experience.
Our dream location - right by the piste - in the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn - is simply perfect for all ski families. Get out of bed and onto the piste. Right next to our hotel you’ll find our partner ski school with ski rental. The meeting point for the little racers is right on our doorstep. In addition to our Good Life Resort Riederalm there is also the Ski-Kinderland with various "magic carpets" (conveyor belts) for the little ones and the Riederfeld lift next to our hotel is also an ideal button lift for small skiers. Winter holidays with children can be that simple.
Fun & action for the little ones on family holidays
Family holiday in Leogang in the region of Salzburg
Directly by the piste in the Skicircus